Positive Behaviours for Learning

A new initiative for OLPS is the development and implementation of Positive Behaviours for Learning (PBL). The PBL framework helps schools create a positive learning environment by developing proactive whole school systems that define, teach and support appropriate student behaviour. PBL focuses on changing the environment to better meet the needs of all students and ensure that learning time is maximised.

PBL is a broad range of systemic and individualised strategies for achieving important social and learning outcomes while preventing problem behaviour.

The whole school approach is focused on creating and sustaining a multi-tiered approach to prevention and intervention for behaviour. Effective Tier I prevention programs are intended to support the vast majority of students, and also to identify students who require more specialised and intensive assistance for Tier II and Tier III.

The staff used student and staff baseline data to develop the School Expected Behaviours which are:

Data has also been used to develop four rules for each expected behaviour.​



Our PBL program was officially launched by the students at our special assembly on Friday 2 November 2018.