Have a look at our beautiful spacious bush area. This area is used as a passive creative area for the children of OLPS. Children like to play in the boat or cubby house and make magic dust in the river bed. This area is popular with the Kindy, Year 1 and Year 2 children.
If you would like to see our school in action you can book a tour; contact us on (02) 7256 2101 or email olps@dbb.catholic.edu.au
About OLPS
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Catholic School, West Pymble is a primary school in the North Shore Cluster of the Broken Bay Diocese.
It is one of eleven Catholic dioceses in NSW. The Broken Bay Diocese stretches from parishes at Lake Munmorah in the north, to Wiseman’s Ferry in the west, Manly in the east and Naremburn in the south.
The Catholic Schools Office (CSO) of the Diocese of Broken Bay is charged with the administration and functioning of the Catholic systemic schools of the diocese.
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Catholic Primary School, was first opened in 1962 with a staff of one Sister of Mercy and 32 Kindergarten children. It now offers a comprehensive Kindergarten to Year 6 program which is implemented by highly qualified teachers and excellent support staff. In 2018, the enrolment is 144.
The school is tucked away from the road and the variety of buildings on site blend well into the natural surroundings. We are fortunate to be located on the same site as our parish church, Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Catholic Church. This enables close links between the Parish, School and Parish Community. Classes and our whole school community are able to utilise the Parish Church in terms of worship and Prayer Life in a most convenient, practicable and accessible way.
The playground is certainly one of the most endearing features of the school with its bushland setting and interesting layout. The bush playground addresses children’s need to play, to construct, to imagine, to find places of refuge and to just be with other children.
The asphalt area offers a whole range of active and passive game options with bright attractive markings on the ground. Games in this area include: cricket, basketball, netball, handball, chess, snakes and ladders, hopscotch and number/ alphabet games.
The All Purpose Court is used for basketball, netball, soccer, volleyball and many other sports. The school’s close proximity to Bi Centennial Park is most certainly an advantage and is frequently used throughout the term by staff and students.
As a Catholic School, we share in the evangelising mission of the church. “By their witness and their behaviour, teachers are of the first importance to impart a distinctive character to Catholic schools”. (Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education, Rome, 1977). Teachers place the highest priority on individual attention to each student’s needs in all key learning areas as well as to their physical, spiritual, social, emotional and academic development.
As well as highly qualified classroom teachers who take responsibility for classroom programs in all key learning areas, the school employs specialist teachers for Music, Physical Education, Drama, Tennis, Chess and Piano. Instrumental and band classes are also available to our students.
Table decorated by the 2017 Year 6 students.
The boat is a favourite with our Kindy, Yr 1 & Yr 2 children.
The cubby house is another popular spot for the younger children
History of OLPS revealed through old photographs
Stage 1 students are exploring the history of OLPS. They are investigating its past people, events and places through the viewing of old photographs.
The students are posing questions about the past and using the photographs to answer these questions.
What special activities took place in the past at OLPS?
What did the playground look like? What games might the children have played?
Can you see where the school was located in Kendall St? What do you notice about the street?
Who were the teachers at OLPS? What might they have taught?
Can you answer these questions when looking at the photographs …