
A Contemporary Catholic school with an Innovative Learning Environment

OLPS aims to create an innovative learning environment that prepares students to be future ready for secondary school and life beyond. Teachers, students and parents work closely together to achieve this goal. Our dedicated teachers go “above and beyond” to develop rigorous teaching and learning programs to advance each child’s achievement level in all Key Learning Areas. There is an expectation that for every child, there is one year’s growth for every year of schooling. It is our mission to provide learning opportunities for every child to be challenged to be their very best.

Core literacy and numeracy skills are developed using the Gradual Release of Responsibility (also known as I do, we do, you do) and student-centred and inquiry-based learning is used to deepen thinking and build social competencies. Constant professional learning is at the heart of good quality teaching and at OLPS we are committed to school improvement through the development of our teachers. In recent years, teachers have developed their knowledge and skills in Mathematics to embed a child centred investigative approach to engage and excite all students about Mathematics. Our 2019 NAPLAN results in Mathematics were well above the state and on par with similar schools.

New Pedagogies for Deep Learning is an exciting learning framework implemented from Kindy to Year 6. We want our learners to be able to

  • apply thinking to new situations
  • work on real issues of relevance to themselves and the world
  • pose and solve problems
  • take risks, be curious, innovative, and creative.

Our learning environment at OLPS needs to challenge, provoke, stimulate and celebrate learning. Our Broken Bay Principles assist us in ensuring the student is at the centre of educating the whole person. We believe in those principles:

  1. Learning is a product of thinking
  2. Collaboration enhances learning
  3. Learners must have agency in their learning
  4. Learning dispositions are as important as skills and knowledge
  5. Learning happens at the point of challenge
  6. Learning is contextual